Hi, Welcome to Vibrational Cleaning
   'Conscious Cleaning for Conscious Living'

- Enjoy a novel method
Never told like this before! 

My mission is to help 10,000 families achieve a 
Healthy Home for a Healthy Life
 Even the most well-intentioned households can have a hard time becoming chemical-free in their lifestyles.
 There are three major stresses that a typical family encounters, and I am here to help you. 

As the author of 'Vibrational Cleaning' Book,  I discovered some key concerns.

the toxic, household chemical products are impacting our bodies and our brains which Has led to my discovery of what is happening  specifically to
the Pineal Gland ......

Learn how toxic chemicals from cleaning & personal care products found in your homes are creating havoc to your body and brain!

About the book

Real Green Your Home with  "VIBRATIONAL CLEANING" methods teaches you, the reader how to use natural, organic ways (plus foods from your own kitchen cupboards) to clean your environments safely. The green movement has exploded into popular culture and is quickly developing. It has left most of us, as consumers, unsure of where to begin and unsure as to which products and methods are truly green and safe to use. A study conducted by the Silent Spring Institute showed that there were a number of green products that are still considered to be toxic....
  -  The methods in "Vibrational Cleaning"  will show you easy, novel, healthy, non-chemical ways to clean your home or office with a host of advantages to creating a safe, relaxing environment, like nature intended!
Find Out How to Green your home ........ with a difference!

When I became ill in the 1980's, with environmental sensitivities, also known as ecological illness or multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) it changed my life path dramatically. I had to leave my teaching career in the public education system to researching a new phenomenon at the time for my own healing, while completing my doctoral studies.

Thus, my doctoral dissertation on "cerebral allergies" - understanding of Body, Mind and Spirit was pioneer work in the field of psychology at the University of Toronto, Canada.

This was my introduction to environmental pollutants & chemicals in how destructive and devastating these contaminants are to us all in all facets of our lives - as well as to wild-life, aquatic wild-life and to all on Mother Earth. My doctoral work also led me to make drastic changes in my lifestyle and everything I used in my home, on my skin, on my hair, in my mouth......it was a complete healthy make over which saved me from pain, suffering, depression, and inability to work!

Written by Mary Young in 2013
'I was so intrigued when I saw the title Vibrational Cleaning and was anxious to see what was inside. As I began to read, I was amazed at the tremendous research that Dr. DeVita has done.  The information was staggering and could be frightening if we didn’t have a natural solution. Because of her own toxic illness, she studied intensely to understand
why she was ill and how to heal herself. Her need took her down a path that now benefits thousands of people looking for help. 

In our chemically toxic world, we have to do everything we can to keep our environment clean, especially our home environment where we have the greatest control. It is imperative that we keep our bodies strong and healthy, but it is critical that we keep our minds protected from the pollutants that cause dizziness, confusion, upset, anger, and even emotional disorientation that can bring about crimes of aggression against humanity.
Dr. DeVita’s knowledge of natural modalities, proper supplementation, and the right foods to eat is immense which she openly shares with everyone. The frequency and vibration of aromatic plants in the form of pure essential oils free from synthetic compounds, is one of the easiest ways to protect ourselves.
Vibrational Cleaning is one of the most valuable books anyone can read who is looking for answers and solutions to living in our polluted and toxic world. This book’s life-protecting information and recipes will give you knowledge and understanding, that will enable you to create a plan of action that will bring gratitude, fun, and excitement as you see the results of greater health and wellness, and most of all, life-giving freedom.'
Mary Young

Executive Vice President 

Young Living Company
Today Mary Young is the CEO of Young Living Company.

Help Your Brain
The natural, healing way...


By Sabina M. DeVita Ed.D., N.N.C.P., I.A.S.P.

Are you looking to unleash the secret to a greener, alive and conscious home?
Are you looking for answers to greater health and wellness? 
Are you aware that your indoor environments can be making you weak, ill and dis-connected?
Vibrational Cleaning is valuable for anyone who is looking for answers and solutions to living a greener, safer, healthier and a more intuitive life in a highly polluted and toxic world. This book is no ordinary chemical-free book however, it is so much more!

Did you know that you may be blocking your doorway to higher consciousness and bliss? Or blocking that part of you that facilitates multidimensional thinking, intuition, mastery of energy and manifestation? Every day you may be doing so without knowing why. Every day you may be polluting your bodies with synthetic fragrances, formaldehyde, damaging toxins, engine degreasers, paint thinners, petrochemicals, cancer-causing agents and even toxic hormone disruptors that are lurking in your home.  Every day in some way you’re becoming a toxic waste dump.

Vibrational Cleaning presents a novel method in home care and cleaning that has never been told before. It can open many doorways, especially your doorway to higher awareness. Did you know...  that the key to the universe may be located at the very center of your brain – called the pineal gland which lies deep within the human brain?  This pea-sized gland, once considered as a mysterious gland, is a very important endocrine gland located at the very center of your cranium. It has long been known as the master gland and as the centre of psychic awareness in the human mind.

Laundry detergents, soaps, perfumes and fluoride in our water, toothpaste ...... and other spirit-crushing chemicals... have left our pineal glands atrophied, dormant, calcified and oppressed to the point of uselessness.
This book’s life-changing information and recipes will give people of all ages the knowledge and understanding needed to make a difference. Learn about the hidden information of this mysterious gland, also referred to as the 3rd eye. Learn to avoid unnecessary suffering and misery by making safe, affordable, non-toxic choices for a healthy and mold-free environment.

Readers will gain a new understanding of how beneficial true, pure ‘Real Green Essential ‘oils can be for the body, mind, emotions and spirit as they discover a unique, simple, vibrational & plant-based all organic household cleaning method for the home!  With superb valuable tips for all household needs, author Dr. Sabina DeVita shows readers how to Real Green clean and create a Vibrationally-attuned home that  enlivens and elevates the occupants to new ways of shifting emotions and awakening intuitive abilities.Bring gratitude, fun and excitement to your home…from Conscious Cleaning to Conscious Living! Dr. Sabina DeVita has not only captured a most intriguing way of cleaning and detoxing your environments but her sequel book, ‘Vibrational Cleaning Guidebook’ has also expanded the latest in brain research specifically outlining further hidden secrets of the pineal gland that have suppressed your super abilities.

Now everyone has the opportunity to build their ‘haven-heaven on earth’ in their very own home...Dr. DeVita will show you how.

Real Green Essentials

by CUTV News Radio

Vibrational Cleaning is a statement about the environment and empowering women.— Dr. Sabina DeVita BRAMPTON, ONTARIO, CANADA, November 16, 2015 /EINPresswire.com/ -- What we do to the environment, we do to ourselves. We are interconnected. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat is impacting us. It stands to reason if our environment is healthier, our bodies will be healthier and our minds will be healthier, too.

For more than 30 years, Dr. Sabina DeVita has positioned herself on the vanguard of the intersection between our environment and our physical and emotional wellbeing. The founder of The DeVita Energy Wellness Clinic, Dr. DeVita is an eclectic energy psychotherapist, registered nutritionist and doctor of natural medicine.

“All the work I do is ultimately to help people break patterns,” says Dr. DeVita. “Energy wellness was the initiation to my own healing and it really works.”

Dr. DeVita first began her journey of wellness when she fell ill in the 1980s due to environmental and chemical sensitivities. Her research led her to discover ways to help herself, which exposed her to a whole new world of energy medicine and the holistic healing arts. She became a student again and began a doctoral program.

“I asked the question, ‘Am I the only person in the whole entire world that this is happening to? Are there others like me?’ says Dr. DeVita. “That became the direction of my research.”

What she discovered was a world of people experiencing exactly what she had been experiencing. Dr. DeVita made it her mission to investigate ways she could help other people and thus began the DeVita Wellness Clinic.

“Someone can be suffering from a chemical or environmental sensitivity and experience depression as a result,” explains Dr. DeVita. “Let’s look at how the cell phone and the Wi-Fi in your house could be disturbing you. Let’s look at the chemicals in your home and whether they may be impacting the environment.”

A long time environmentalist, educator, humanitarian and practitioner, Dr. DeVita has dedicated the last six years to publishing her books and lecturing internationally. Dr. DeVita is also an established author, having published six books, including her most recent book Vibrational Cleaning, which teaches readers how to make easy, nontoxic, affordable choices to create a clean, safe environment. The book is central to Dr. DeVita’s mission to promote the greening of every home for the benefit of women, children, families and the environment as a whole.

“Vibrational Cleaning is the result of my life’s work. It is a statement about the environment and empowering women,” says Dr. DeVita. “I realized I could be sharing this information with thousands of people, not just one-on-one.”

CUTV News Radio will feature Dr. Sabina DeVita in a two-part interview with Doug Llewelyn on November 18th and with Jim Masters on November 25th at 2pm EST.

View this video interview

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