What Kind of Life Do You Desire?
A Happy and Healthy Life, 
One Full of Meaning, Inspiration, and Spiritually Motivated?

Then You Need to Do More than Fight Off Illnesses...

Vibrational Wellness matters

Discover Powerful, Natural Healing Methods - the New Era of Light & Energy

Here's where we're at in today's world right now...

  • Illnesses world wide are increasing at an alarming rate (such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, respiratory, cardiovascular disease and obesity)
  • According to the Center of Disease Control, the leading causes of death in 2017 were heart disease and cancer (the same as in 2016).
  • The stats related to these two illnesses have increased today.
  • Six out of 10 adults in the US have a chronic disease and 4 out of 10 adults in the US have two or more chronic diseases.
The health care system is based on a 'sickness' model - fix it when it's broken, using unnatural means that are most often toxic and foreign to the body to repair the body's functionality.

Whatever happened to teaching prevention to create and maintain health in body, mind & spirit?

As the old saying goes: "An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure."

Prevention can only happen when you take charge of your health via a wellness lifestyle.

The exciting news for all ...... you can easily learn to take care of yourself.!!

Join us in our new on-line program in aromatic sciences.
Based on the teaching and philosophy of D. Gary Young


Learn all about aromatherapy and how to 
use essential oils' healing properties to help the people around you. 

Full instructional Online Certification Program.

eBooks to Support You...
EES Services
'The Power That Made The Body, 
Heals The Body'

Raise Your Frequency
I delight in providing you with various holistic healing treatments along with educational, 
self-empowering & enlightening  opportunities!
Shift  your reality!

Acoustic Meridian Intelligence Device

Cymatherapy AMI 850 - NOW UPDATED

The latest in the Science of Sound and Vibrational technology!
The AMI 850 is the latest evolution of the Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices.In addition to the original Cyma Ten channels—created to alleviate the underlying causes of disease, the AMI 850 contains the new Keys To Health protocols.  See below as to what these channels cover. Formulated to elevate your body to its next level of vibrant health. The additional ten channels will help to further open the doors to the healing potential that already exists within the body.
  • Applies sound through the portals of the feet utilizing the meridian pathways
  • Employs fully researched audible frequency programs for a focused approach to health
  • Utilizing two of Mother Nature’s precious, health-giving materials—tourmaline and germanium
  • Combines ancient principles, quantum physics and advanced sound technology
  • Delivers fast and phenomenal results with the evolution of Cyma Technologies patented sound discoveries

The AMI™ 850 is a user-friendly device based on the effectiveness of acoustic sound traveling the energy pathways of the meridian system to relax and support the body’s balance. Sit in a comfortable chair and relax your feet on supportive gel pads while the body uptakes the sound frequencies through the feet.
Each protocol is 30 minutes.

RELAX and ENJOY a CYMATIC  one hour session with the added bonus of YL essential oils for your specific needs.
Couple this with an EES session afterwards or before your EES or your Raindrop session.


Learn more about Dr. DeVita
Dr. DeVita believes in working with the 'whole' person and at deeper causal issues which has lead her to synthesize many holistic/vibrational/energy modalities into her private practice and clinic/spa of over 35 years. 

Her doctoral dissertation on "cerebral allergies" - understanding of Body, Mind and Spirit was pioneer work in the field of psychology at the University of Toronto in the late 1980's. 

As an eclectic psychotherapist/Eco psychologist, registered nutritionist, Sabina's work & studies over the years has included:  the Russian GDV/EPC Kirlian camera, (see Bio-Well), numerous muscle-testing modalities inclusive of Brain Gym, Touch For Health, Access, Body Talk, Access Consciousness, & more, Egyptian dowsing - radiesthesia, energy psychology (Thought Field Therapy), terahertz frequencies, EESystem - bio-scalar technology, aromatic sciences, Reiki, and Bio Geometry tools & techniques. Her Bio-Geometry tools can be found at www.bgwellnessnow.com .  

She is also an established author of 7 books that include the many uses and benefits of Young Living essential oils. She is also the founder/director of the Institute of Energy Wellness Studies, a holistic course program that features Young Living essential oils, called 'Integrated Aromatic Sciences' and other healing modalities. Today, Integrated Aromatics is an online essential oil program, which was recently launched.  Please visit https://www.iewsonlinearomatics.com/

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